Necklace "sheer unclear"

Bracelet "Erzaehl"
Like my weekdays also numbers and letters come in colors. (Quod vide: brooch "Standard")

Earclip "Lownoise" ...
... is another product from smashing the cassette, made of the b-side of it.

Pendant "Enface"
Necklace pendant made of a white audio-cassette coil, empty white tape (i don´t know the technical term but it´s the tape put to the beginning of each tape role) a plastic crystal-cube, and a little techie-thing blinking in rgb-colors when pushing it´s tiny button. "Dress cute and never be late for your ballet lessons!"

Brooch "Standard"
Those little things are my weekdays, put on a brooche, visible for everybody.
In case you don´t understand anything now you may google/wiki "synesthesia". In case you know what i´m talking about/even have your own colors for the weekdays - congratulations!

Necklace "Miscellaneous"
It was so much fun to pull the tape out of broken music cassettes when i was a kid. By creating this i found out it still is!